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How DOOH Can Effectively Reach Alcohol Consumers



Aliana Heffernan

Digital out-of-home provides alcohol brands with an effective and proven way to reach consumers, in the real world, when and where they are making their purchasing decisions.  DOOH offers advanced data solutions for targeting based on demographics, lifestyle, or recent purchase behaviors – all of which are critical capabilities when building an audience. Additionally, at the end of your DOOH campaign, you’re able to measure effectiveness and gain critical consumer insights with Vistar’s brand study offering. 

To help marketers reach their unique KPI goals, we’ve collected a list of the best ways you can use DOOH to drive alcohol brand initiatives to campaign success. 

All About Audiences

Today’s data solutions enable alcohol marketers to leverage audiences for DOOH based off of personas, purchase behavior and intent, as well as demographics. Using Vistar’s proprietary geospatial technology and location data, we look at patterns of past visitation to points of interest (POIs) to build audience profiles. For example, a brand could target Sports Enthusiasts or Social Drinkers – who are defined by lifestyle characteristics, based on the locations they visit. 

Further, Vistar’s partnerships with the top third-party data providers, such as Foursquare and IRI, allows marketers to extend their existing marketing strategies into DOOH. Through LiveRamp Data Store providers, such as NCS or IRI, you can access audiences built from household-based purchase data.

Prime Point-of-Purchase Real Estate 

One of the crucial features that sets DOOH apart from other types of media is the opportunity to reach consumers directly at the point-of-purchase. Within the beverage category in particular, it’s essential to engage grab-and-go shoppers by activating your campaigns where products are being sold. Media owners such as Pursuant Health and NRS DOOH Media – both available through the Vistar Media platform – offer unparalleled access to consumers, when and where you want your product to be top of mind. 

Want to learn more about marketing for alcohol brands? 

Download The Ultimate Guide to DOOH for Alcohol Brands today!

Vistar also makes it easy for you to activate LDA compliant campaigns. On the Vistar platform, you can choose venues limited to a 21+ audience (such as bars, casinos and liquor stores), or activate on billboards that are not in proximity to schools and churches. 

Seasonal Strategies 

When it comes to wine, beer and booze, some of the most effective campaigns play on seasonality. While alcoholic beverages are consumed all year long, customizing creative messaging based on the time of year, such as spring break, summer vacation, winter holidays and New Year’s, can help you tap into a promising audience in the right mindset. To align with your priority moments, consider activating DOOH around specific seasons or holidays to make the most of your multimedia campaign.

Eventful Targeting

Does your alcohol brand already sponsor a concert, festival or sports game? Bolster these sponsorships by activating DOOH media that references these cultural phenomena, like a sports fandom or festival spirit, as well as in locations in proximity to the events. Vistar’s inventory includes billboards and transit venues, all of which can be programmatically selected by POI. Using these events as a jumping off point can increase the impact of both your media campaigns and sponsorships, so your marketing gets more bang for its buck. 

Co-Marketing Opportunities 

Alcohol brands often have the opportunity to co-market their products with retailers and wholesalers. By activating targeted messaging in geofenced areas around these brick-and-mortar locations, you can easily engage consumers while they’re on the path-to-purchase, in the critical moments before they make their alcoholic beverage buying decisions. 

E-Commerce Engagement 

In today’s increasingly digital world, many consumers do their beverage shopping through a grocery service or brand’s mobile app. Consider leveraging your DOOH and mobile campaigns to encourage consumers to shop for your products through these e-commerce platforms or delivery services. What could be better than showing consumers they can have your alcohol brand shipped directly to their front door? 

Whether you choose to take an audience-based approach, focus on venue activation or implement a more holistic strategy, digital out-of-home can serve as a valuable part of your omnichannel media mix. 

Want to learn more or plan your next alcohol campaign? 


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