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Dutch Flowers export to Germany And The UK with Programmatic OOH



Mahsa Sabouri

The Dutch Flower council promotes flowers and plants as it is one of Holland’s primary export products. This fall The The famous Dutch tulip is one of Holland’s primary export products, and the Flower Council established to promote it (and other blooms!) on the international stage. The Flower Council ran an autumn campaign to “Thank Plants” for the role they have played in keeping lock-down homes happier and healthier. The campaign ran in German, UK and Dutch cities using mobile and DOOH, making Matterkind with the Vistarmedia's DSP the first to run a programmatic DOOH + mobile campaign across multiple media owners and publishers, and multiple markets in Europe.

Thanks plants 

The Flower Council created the concept “Thanks Plants” thanking plants for the role they played for people staying The Flower Council created the concept “Thanks Plants” particularly targeted for urban audiences, helping them have a comfortable, relaxing and healthy environment at home. Plants have the ability to reduce stress, and help to reconnect with nature.

Using mobile + DOOH to reach audiences at the right place and time

Matterkind and UM used programmatic buying to reach urban audiences within the age group 25-40 years old, in the Netherlands, UK and Germany.  Using mobile data to be smarter in when and where to run campaigns made reaching these audiences more efficient and reduced the amount of waste. Moreover DOOH and mobile were ideal in cost efficiently driving awareness for this message, particularly during lock-down conditions where footfall was lower and less predictable.

They ran this campaign across major media owners and DOOH screens, re-targeting these audiences via mobile advertising to create an additional contact on mobile devices. Using the same times and locations to reach the right audience.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is SA_Bloemenbureau-UK-1024x683.jpgVincent Boot Media Consultant UM: “DOOH is ideal in reaching the urban audiences that we were looking for in this campaign. Using programmatic tools to reduce waste and only target the right times and places was instrumental in creating relevancy and cost-efficiently driving awareness for the campaign.”

Keen to learn more about this campaign or DOOH opportunities overall? Feel free to contact our Regional Lead in BENELUX, Gido Andriessen via email: gandriessen@vistarmedia.com 


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