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Infographic: 9 facts to know about programmatic DOOH



Hannah Lyder

How important is DOOH to other marketing strategies? This infographic breaks down nine facts about DOOH that you need to know about - from how many consumers recall out-of-home ads to how many decision-makers are already investing in the medium.




Digital out-of-home (DOOH) has come to the forefront of advertising in recent years. According to a study done by Research and Marketing, DOOH advertising will reach a market size of $33.37 billion by 2026. That’s up from just $16.7 billion in 2019.


Digital out-of-home (DOOH) is everywhere

With 98 percent of consumers visiting at least one DOOH venue each month, and 84 percent actually recalling OOH advertisements, the medium is a no-brainer for marketers. It provides brands with an opportunity to surround consumers with relevant messaging at crucial moments in the shopping journey. Take commuters - 83 percent of consumers on the highway notice OOH ads while driving. When it comes to gaining lasting impressions, out-of-home is the perfect medium to integrate a brand into a consumer’s normal day in a way that gives the brand maximum impact with minimal disruption for the consumer.


DOOH has the power to improve website performance

One of the greatest strengths to making out-of-home (OOH) digital is its measurement capabilities, including cross-channel metrics. Thanks to Vistar’s partnership with Mira, marketers can measure the effectiveness of their DOOH campaigns, including web conversions and behaviors, app downloads and in-app actions, such as the lift in in-app activity or orders. According to a study by Sightline, 66 percent of consumers say that DOOH encourages them to search online. Even more, 53 percent of consumers say DOOH gives them all the information they need to make a purchase decision.


DOOH is already a trusted marketing strategy

Is DOOH a secret weapon? Definitely not. Out-of-home has been used for centuries. Time and time again it has proven to easily reach a broad audience at once with impactful messaging. In fact, 66 percent of omni-channel decision-makers say they’ve already activated new DOOH campaigns within the last 18 months. The trend continues to rise as 86 percent of US advertising executives plan to integrate programmatic DOOH into multi-channel campaigns.

Programmatic DOOH is also on the rise thanks to its flexibility and targeting capabilities. 67 percent of media buyers say flexible buying options are a major reason for considering programmatic DOOH. Marketers are already putting more than 50 percent of their media budget into programmatic advertising, which includes programmatic DOOH.

Interested in running DOOH through our centralized DSP? Contact us today to speak with one of Vistar’s programmatic experts. Buying out-of-home has never been easier.

Sources: Sightline, 2022; ROIrevolution 2022; Vistar Media & MFour, 2021; IAB Australia, 2021; ResearchandMarkets.com, 2021; VIOOH, 2021

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