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Super Bowl TV Ads Sold Out - So Now What? DOOH Has the Answers



Aliana Heffernan

Super Bowl LIV is already commanding some serious ad spend – by the end of November, all TV spots on Fox Television Network had sold out. Fortunately, digital out-of-home media is still readily available, offering marketers a powerful way to reach their desired audience around this major tentpole event. 

In this post, we’ve collected the 4 largest benefits digital out-of-home has to offer when activating strategic Super Bowl campaigns.

The Top 4 Benefits of DOOH for Super Bowl Campaigns 


1. Tailor Your Audience-Based Approach 

Today’s advanced data solutions offer brands the opportunity to examine consumer movement patterns and gain a deeper understanding of behavioral trends. With these learnings, marketers can then activate DOOH media, when and where it matters most, reaching these clearly defined audiences. 

Vistar’s programmatic technology then identifies screens with the highest concentration of these specific audiences and activates campaign messaging – engaging consumers in prime locations, at key times throughout the day. 


Strategies to tailor your audience:

  • Behavioral Audiences 
    • Vistar analyzes consumer movement patterns to create and target audiences based on the places they visit. Some examples of these audiences include:
      • Sports Enthusiasts
      • Event Goers
      • Millennials
  • Purchase Data
    • With access to purchase data from partners such as IRI and IHS Polk, we can look at households that purchase specific products, such as:
      • Competitive Product Purchasers
      • Brand Loyalists
  • 1st-Party & Trusted 3rd-Party Data 
    • Vistar can also link our location data to your 1st- or 3rd-party data, bringing your most commonly used audiences to life in the physical world. These sets may include:
      • Your Current Customers
      • Event Ticket Holders
      • Gaming App Users


2. Target The Right Consumers 

In addition to audience-based approaches, there are a number of other valuable targeting strategies that marketers can pull from their DOOH arsenal. Depending on your campaign KPIs, time and location may be the key factors in your planning. 


Strategies to target consumers: 

  • Contextually Relevant Venue Types 
    • Whether you want to cast a wide net or reach a specific audience, DOOH locations such as billboards, malls, gyms, and bars can give you access to the right consumers, when they’re most tuned in to your messaging. 
    • For example, if you’re a CPG brand and you want to tie your snack’s messaging to the Super Bowl hype, you may want to activate in grocery stores, where consumers can buy your product.

  • Day-Parting 
    • Need to reach morning commuters or QSR diners? Brands such as coffee shops and chain restaurants often run promotions aligned with game days or game outcomes. To reach the right consumers, when they’re most receptive to this messaging, heavy up your campaign during key morning, afternoon or evening hours.

  • Proximity or Event Targeting 
    • Is your campaign tied to certain local events or specific retail locations? Simply activate media within a certain radius of your desired POIs.

  • Mobile Real-World Retargeting
    • Amplify the impact of your DOOH campaign by identifying devices that exposed to OOH ads and retargeting them with secondary messaging.


3. Stay Local or Go National

Whether you want to execute a hyper-focused campaign, within a certain DMA such as Miami, or broadly reach consumers from coast to coast, DOOH can deliver. When it comes to DOOH, marketers have the flexibility to activate locally or nationally, depending on campaign objectives.

Through the Vistar Media platform, marketers gain access to the largest inventory of programmatic DOOH media. In fact – there are over 20M impressions available in Miami alone!

Strategies on location targeting:

  • Pack a National Punch:
    • When you need to activate nationwide, DOOH is on your side. With screens in all 50 states, as well as internationally, marketers can reach football fans, sports enthusiasts and other consumers in the places they visit most.

  • Hometeam Advantage: 
    • Only want to engage consumers in a certain city or zip code, such as in Miami? Or, when a specific team makes it to the Super Bowl, is your brand asking to surround its local residents with your messaging? DOOH allows you to refine your targeting, so you only activate DOOH media in relevant locations. 


4. Activate Quickly, On Your Feet

Before, during and after the Super Bowl, it is critical for many advertisers to be able to deliver new creatives on short notice. While out-of-home once required a slow turnaround for banner design, printing and installation, DOOH allows marketers to react in near real-time. 

According to Seth Winter, Fox’s executive vice president of sports sales, “‘There are a number of advertisers, frankly, who couldn’t land their [TV] spots with us because their creative wasn’t ready or because of some indecisiveness…’”.

The flexibility to deliver your Super Bowl campaign when and where you need it, with the most relevant messaging, makes DOOH a no-brainer.  


Strategies for quick activations:

  • React in Real-Time: 
    • Using real-time triggers, such as breaking news or weather, brands can activate messaging that is both relevant and timely throughout their campaigns. 
    • For example, has a certain team won in the playoffs? Through the Vistar platform, brands can run different versions of their campaign creative to highlight specific teams as they progress toward the big game.  

Today’s advanced data solutions for DOOH open up a breadth of opportunities for advertisers. Through the Vistar Media platform, marketers can easily identify and engage a wide variety of audience segments, in a variety of contextual environments — putting creative messaging where and when it needs to be — before, during and after the Super Bowl. 

Ready to plan your Super Bowl campaign?


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